Easter just got sweeter!

The Golden State rivals many when it comes to growing regions across categories and commodities. The coveted California avocado finds itself at home in these ranks, and brings retailers a program anchor that draws traffic, defines consumer baskets, and paves the entry for produce proliferation. But let us not be the only ones to wax poetic about the green machine. Here are some words from industry leaders across the avocado category...

Gary Clevenger
Managing Partner, Freska Produce International

“Growing up in California, I am very thankful for a man named Rudolph Hass. There is this craze for the California Hass that only comes once a year. I look for them wherever I go, from the produce counters to farmers markets. In my house, we use them to make everything from guacamole to avocado toast. It’s a wonderful time of year not only to enjoy California avocados, but to also have them as a sign that springtime and summer are right around the corner.”

Denise Junqueiro
Director of Marketing, Mission Produce

“These days, I spend a lot of time in the kitchen prepping nutritious foods for my baby girl. Avocados were one of the first things in our house for her to try. In the beginning, she wasn’t so sure about this nutrient-rich green substance I was putting in front of her. Now, she loves them, and I love it because I know I am supporting her brain development. We started with mashed avos and, as she has grown, a dice or slice can just melt in her mouth.”


Gary Caloroso
Regional Business Development Director, Giumarra Companies

“I love avocados as they are so tasty, nutritious, and versatile! Avocado toast topped with blueberries and persimmons is a mind-blowing experience for sure. California avocado season is always an exciting time for our company’s two California packinghouses located in Escondido and Ventura. There will be promotable avocado volume in 2020, so retailers and foodservice customers have a great opportunity to promote and generate even more excitement for a fruit that has become a national phenomenon.”

Jan DeLyser
Vice President of Marketing, California Avocado Commission

“When you ask California avocado growers what their favorite way to eat an avocado is, most say something like, ‘all by itself.’ That’s because their creamy deliciousness is just so darn good, and the reason why we look forward to California avocado season. This is my favorite time of year, when the harvest is getting underway and marketing plans are blossoming into programs for spring and summer. And I’m very excited for the launch of our new advertising campaign! This season’s crop is shaping up to be considerably larger than last year, meaning broader distribution, promotable volume, and more opportunities to enjoy avocados on toast and sandwiches, as well as in salads, smoothies, and creative concoctions…or just with a spoon.”

George Henderson
Marketing Manager, West Pak Avocado

“Planting ourselves firmly in the California avocado season, our field experts estimate a larger crop topping around 350 million pounds, which will extend from mid-April to the end of August. And it’s no wonder—our Golden State’s fertile soil and cool coastal breezes help grow some of the best-tasting avocados around. The heart-healthy and diet-friendly appeal of this popular green fruit is a creamy, almost nut-like flavor that perfectly accents any meal. For the avo-enthusiast who appreciates seasonal, locally-grown produce, we’re proud to offer our California Gold Avocados in both conventional and organic options. With this premium, California-branded bag, there is no question that these delicious, fresh, locally-sourced avocados will be true green gold!”

Patrick Lucy
Vice President of Sales, Del Rey Avocado

“The 2019 season estimated total volume for avocados in the U.S. at over 2.2 billion pounds. We at Del Rey Avocado anticipate great promotional opportunities. This year, we believe we’ll experience record numbers on avocado sales, which is good for both the grower, the consumer, and, of course, the retailer.”