Ippolito International - Brussels Bites™Peruvian Onions
Flavor Trend

Produce ice cream is making its way onto the showroom floor—adding milk, sugar, and ice to position produce front and center

T  here is no such thing as an ice cream season—hot or cold weather is no barrier for a love set on the creamy and sugary goodness that sits atop a beautiful waffle cone. We all know go-to flavors like strawberry, banana, and blueberry, but what about produce essentials that haven’t been soft-served to the masses before? Boy, have I got a treat for you!

 To create an artisanal take on the time-tested favorite, companies are tapping into what’s in season for their ice cream ingredients. This is also a new marketing strategy that is creating major business opportunities—from new flavors in popular brands’ line-ups, including Häagen-Dazs® Spoon Vege flavors, to fun offerings like Duda Farm Fresh Foods’ sweet corn flavor or Giumarra Companies’ avocado ice cream.

 The trend is making its way onto the showroom floor—adding milk, sugar, and ice to position produce front and center. The stars of the show are the flavors offered to buyers. The innovative approach allows people to enjoy the items in a new way. That relocation from the concrete appeal of fresh produce transports those enjoying the sugary treat into a new dimension of culinary opportunities for growth—they see, feel, and taste the flavors in their own right.

 There are many popular flavors that I have seen in my delicious research, but some that stood out more than others are a tart-y party rhubarb, a crisp cucumber, an always-a-good-idea avocado, and a hot-meets-cold jalapeño.

Never have I been more glad to hear the phrase, “Don’t forget to eat your veggies!” I'm sure your customers will agree.