Ippolito International - Brussels Bites™Peruvian Onions

Up Close with Pete’s Living Greens' Salicornia

With an eye on developing the company within niche and differentiated categories, Pete’s Living Greens is tapping into the flavorful, briny potential of salicornia. Or, as you might know it, sea beans.

As beautiful as coral or a succulent, this living offering joins the company’s hydroponic line with a focus on the foodservice industry’s desire to offer a healthy sodium substitute without forfeiting flavor. Because, let’s face it, consumers love that salty tang.

Distributed with the root attached so it stays fresher longer, Pete’s living salicornia has already garnered attention in the form of a FABI Award from the National Restaurant Association and is in line with consumer demands for healthy alternatives, not to mention something intriguing to the eye that will capture attention in Instagram plate shots.

Described as having a flavor profile similar to that of capers, but with a pop of bright green color, salicornia is as versatile in its preparation possibilities as edamame. I have no issue envisioning this as a burgeoning restaurant rescue that could be the next big foodie go-to.

The company is offering this product to foodservice operators in 5 lb packages with roots attached, each package holding 12 to 16 plants. With the elongated freshness of staying in organic peat moss until prepared, the shelf-life is extended seven-plus days longer and holds up brilliantly until your chefs are ready to serve it.

Retailers, hold steady—the company plans to roll out a buy-side option as it bets on the foodservice popularity whetting consumers’ palates and turning their interests to where they can get this item to take home.

Game, set, match.