Easter just got sweeter!

WTF Do I do with
Celery ?!


For celery ash:

1–2 branches Duda celery

3 parsley sprigs

1 tsp Maldon sea salt


For bisque:

2 tbsp butter

16 oz Duda diced celery

1 medium diced onion

9 cups raw, peeled, seeded, and diced sugar pumpkin or butternut squash

1⁄4 tsp freshly ground nutmeg

1 dash cayenne pepper

2 tsp salt

1 tsp freshly cracked black pepper

11⁄2 qtz vegetable stock

3⁄4 cup greek yogurt

4 tbsp toasted pepitas

1–2 pinches of celery ash


Servings: 6

For celery ash:

1 Over a hot wood-fired grill, char the celery branch until black. 

2 Place the charred celery and parsley leaves on a cookie sheet and place in a 275ºF oven for 30–40 minutes to dry the celery branch and the parsley.

3 Remove from oven and allow to cool for 10 minutes. Celery should be brittle and dry.

4 Break the celery into smaller pieces and put it in a food processor with the parsley and the salt. Pulse the mixture to create a dust or ash.

 For bisque:

5 Melt butter in a large pot, add the celery, onions, and pumpkin, sauté for 4–6 minutes until onions are sweated out and add the dry spices. Cook another 2–3 minutes and add the vegetable stock. 

6 Allow mixture to come to a simmer for 15–20 minutes until pumpkin is tender. 

7 In batches, purée mixture until smooth in a blender. Place back in the pot once you have puréed the entire amount and bring back to a simmer. 

8Add the yogurt and mix well with a whisk. Adjust seasoning and serve garnished with toasted pepitas and the celery ash.

Recipe by Chef Todd Fisher (cheftoddfisher.com). For more delicious, healthy, & easy-to-prepare recipes visit www.dudafresh.com.