Easter just got sweeter!

A Closer Look at Oppy’s Happy Berry

Is it possible to gift the future? For those purchasing Oppy’s Happy Berry™ label, the answer, inarguably, is yes.

The specialty berry pack is a revolutionary step in the sector, consisting of hydroponic table-top strawberries. The concept itself was developed by New Wave Berry, a joint venture formed by Oppy, Red Dog Management, and Farmers Gate, all of which wanted to present the future of strawberry production.

The pack itself is a striking blend of old and new guard. Packaged under Oppy’s Ocean Spray® label, Happy Berry calls out to shoppers seeking a trusted brand—and welcomes new ones by advertising that the berries are hydroponically grown.

The method itself is a remarkable step forward in berry harvesting. The strawberries are grown on tables raised to chest height, making labor more ergonomically friendly to those getting the berries into the pack. Retailers—and the suppliers that support them—know how important it is to present a product to consumers that speaks to the challenges we currently face. A QR code on the front tells shoppers even more about the hydroponically grown strawberries and the benefits to both labor and crop management.

It may sound paradoxical, but the future is no longer years ahead of us. The future arrives when we least expect it, and it’s up to innovators like Oppy to keep us in front of the curve.The Snack Endstop