Easter just got sweeter!

A Closer Look at Oppy KeeWee Sustainable Packaging

Walking through the aisles, I love seeing how colors and images interact with each other across fresh produce—and Oppy’s latest KeeWee kiwifruit boxes sure made my eyes pop! The fresh produce grower, marketer, and distributor partnered with CanePak to release the new bagasse-based packaging that isn’t just super cute but also environmentally friendly.

Oppy’s innovative kiwifruit container uses the byproduct of sugarcane production, which means there’s no impact on existing forest areas. The new KeeWee packaging checks off the sustainability box for today’s conscientious consumer while also touting an aesthetically pleasing palette of brown and green, i.e., the iconic kiwifruit colors. With a cut-out right on the front, consumers can easily feast their eyes on the great quality in every kiwifruit, unobscured by unnecessary plastic.

The packaging also contains great cross-merchandising value with the addition of possible pairings listed right on the front. And, let’s not forget the adorable mascot! A cross between the kiwifruit and the kiwi bird, Oppy has created a new character that’s both easily recognizable and memorable. To be honest, the pun on which this plays is what really hooked me. Shoppers with children can rest assured knowing that their youngsters have a healthy snack while also piquing their curiosity with a relatable character.

Sustainable, healthy, and appealing to the eye, Oppy has ticked off all the boxes as well as given way for more innovative ideas to come.