Easter just got sweeter!

WTF Do I Do With
Jacobs Farm Organic Sage ?!

‐ Sage Umami Salt ‐

3 tbsp Jacobs Farm Organic Sage leaves, finely chopped

1 tsp Aleppo pepper

2 tsp white pepper, finely cracked

1 tsp smoked salt, Alderwood or Cherry

2 tsp orange zest

4 medium cloves black garlic, chopped super fine (it will clump a bit)

1 cup Maldon flake salt

1 tsp maple syrup


Prep Time: 15 min

Cook Time: 20 min

Servings: 1 cup

1 Preheat oven to 220° F.

2 Mix together fresh herbs, spices, zest, and black garlic in a medium mixing bowl. Gently fold in the salt and then the maple syrup. Use your fingers to mix, making sure the herbs and spices are totally incorporated into the salt. The black garlic in particular needs to be pulverized into the salt with your fingers, as it’s super sticky and likes to clump. (Note: Some of the clumps will dry out in the cooking process, and you will use your fingers again to pulverize them after they are dried).

3 Spread the salt-herb mix evenly and flat across a baking sheet covered with parchment paper. Place in the oven, and bake until the herbs have lost most moisture, about 20 minutes.

4 Turn off the oven, and let the salt cool totally in the oven. Once it is cool, remove from the oven. Again, begin to pulverize the black garlic clumps more, and mix them into the salt. Store in a little bowl on your countertop for up to a few weeks. Enjoy!

To learn more about Jacobs Farm del Cabo, visit www.jacobsfarmdelcabo.com