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A Closer Look at Divine Flavor Jellyberries Grapes

If there’s one thing shoppers can bond over, it’s a longing remembrance of their favorite childhood snacks. Some iconic flavors are fleeting and no longer available for a nostalgic indulgence; others are within arm’s reach on the grocery shelves. But, looking at the nutrition facts with a grown-up eye can sway consumers to quickly ditch the idea.

Luckily, Divine Flavor has Jellyberries™ grapes, a sweet solution for shoppers searching for the health-forward version of an old-school favorite: grape jelly.

While many of us used to slather our PB&Js with the sugary nectar, better-for-you products now rule the day. So, consumers can indulge in this fresh-forward option instead. With a taste reminiscent of Concord grapes, each globe offers a burst of jam flavor that will transport shoppers back to the good old days without guilt.

Due to their rich essence, the variety is not only a refreshing treat to enjoy by itself, but the perfect accompaniment to yogurt, pastries, or mixed with peanut butter in a mouthwatering breakfast bowl. Meaning, there are ample merchandising and promotional opportunities for Jellyberries in the produce aisle and beyond.

Exclusively produced for Divine Flavor by Grupo Alta, Jellyberries are grown primarily organic and are non-GMO. Organic Jellyberries are available May–June and August–September. Their conventional counterparts are in season December–February and April, and both come in 1 lb clamshells and variable weight bags.

So, break out the scrunchies, pop in your favorite cassette, and switch on MTV, because the spirit of throwback snacking lives on in this innovative, modern-day variety, and your shoppers are going to want a taste.The Snack Endstop