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It's Made From What? 

Kimchi is a traditional Korean dish of pickled and spiced vegetables. Whether it be cabbage, radish, or cucumber, the vegetables are seasoned with red pepper, garlic, green onion, ginger, and other spices, and then allowed to ferment. In Korea, the dish is served at every meal. Koreans eat so much of this super-spicy condiment (40 pounds of it per person each year) that natives say, “kimchi" instead of "cheese" when getting their pictures taken.

This Is Good For Me?

Kimchi is loaded with vitamins A, B, and C, but its biggest benefit may be in its "healthy bacteria" called lactobacilli, found in fermented foods like kimchi and yogurt. This good bacteria helps with digestion, plus it seems to help stop and prevent infections. Some studies show fermented cabbage has compounds that may prevent the growth of cancer.

How Does Such A Thing Come to Be?

References to kimchi exist as early as 2,600-3,000 years ago. Korea is mountainous with a few fertile plains, making food preservation during cold months a high priority. When early Koreans started an agricultural lifestyle, they ate salted vegetables to aid in the digestion of grains. This salting of vegetables turned into a preservation art.

They Buried It For How Long?

Traditionally, kimchi is placed into a large urn and buried in the earth through the winter to keep its contents at a constant temperature while fermenting. This is no longer necessary, but some people prefer to bury their kimchi for months.

Where Can I Get Some?

Try your local Asian market or make your own!