Ippolito International - Brussels Bites™Peruvian Onions

Up Close with Red Sun Farms' Earthcycle Packaging

Featuring fully compostable, recyclable, and biodegradable bases, and a re-sealable Top Seal that uses a 90 percent reduction on plastic, Red Sun Farms is debuting its new sustainable, organic grape tomato packaging.

The Earthcycle™ base is made from a blend of only North American-sourced virgin and recycled wood pulp. It is certified compostable to BPI standards and produced on the east coast of Canada. The new pack style satisfies consumers’ desire for less plastic, reduced waste to landfill, increased use of renewable resources, and local production versus off shore. The Top Seal technology also helps to prolong shelf-life and ensure flavor.

Red Sun is now serving its customers with a full line of USDA-certified greenhouse grown organics fresh from the company’s greenhouses in USA, Canada, and Mexico.