Easter just got sweeter!

The If List

The IF List: Patrick Mills, Director of Produce and Floral, Bashas’ Family of Stores


s a harbinger of fresh in the retail space, Patrick Mills takes his role at Bashas’ Family of Stores to heart, bringing a deep commitment to making the department a world-class destination. Hailing from industry giants that include Sal Amato Produce Company, Lucky’s Market, Sprouts Farmers Market, and Safeway, you can begin to see how this produce aficionado has cut his teeth at the best of the best. These days, Patrick resides as Bashas’ Director of Produce and Floral, dreaming and then executing the company’s vision for all things fresh. Between such important duties, Patrick took a moment to tell us what’s what in other areas of his imagination, and we were more than happy to bring them to you...

IF you could have been born in another century or decade, which would it be and why?

The future—what is next?

IF you had to choose now, what would your last meal consist of

A cheeseburger.

IF you could have any actor play you in a movie, who would you want?

Robert Duvall.

IF you could imagine yourself in a different industry, what would it be?

I couldn’t imagine. There have been five generations of produce in my family—it’s our life. Maybe farming!

IF you could have dinner with anyone, dead or alive, who would it be?

Bill Gates.

IF you were stranded on a desert island, what four items would you bring?

A satellite phone, seeds, a knife, and a compass.

IF you could redo one moment or event in your life, which one would you choose and why?

Letting go of sports when I had the opportunity to extend my playing into later years.

IF you were another species in the animal kingdom, what would you be?

An eagle.

IF you wrote an autobiography, what would be the title?

Produce Is My Heritage and Life.

IF you could make everyone watch a movie of your choosing, which movie would you want them to see?

“Seven Days in Utopia.”

IF you had to eat the same thing every day for the rest of your days, what would you eat?


IF you could enhance one aspect of your intelligence, what part would you want to enhance?

Patience—more patience, yes!

IF you could re-experience an awesome day in your life, what day would you choose?

The birth of my child. Hands down.

IF you could give your younger self one piece of advice, what would it be?
Pay attention more and listen.

IF you could invent anything, what would you invent?

A cure for cancer.The Snack Endstop