Easter just got sweeter!

The If List

The If List: Jessica Oliva, Produce Merchant, Walmart

Based out of Bentonville, Arkansas, this buy-side fresh face is at the heart of Walmart’s home base, specializing in cherries, relationship building, and teletransportation. But, truly, Jessica Oliva has the energy of youth with a soulful presence to match: a winning combo in my book and for those around her. As I looked to get to know more about her, I thought an IF List was a great opportunity to explore her amazingly diverse thoughtfulness. And Jessica took me up on the offer…

» IF you could give your younger self one piece of advice, what would it be?

Keep doing what you are doing, but with more confidence, so you can expedite your professional growth.

» IF you wrote an autobiography, what would be the title?

Wanderlust Chronicles: Exploring the World and Making Lifelong Connections.

» IF you could redo one moment or event in your life, which one would you choose and why?

Conversations with my grandmother, but with me now at this age. I felt I did not value them back when I was a teenager. She was such a brave and wise woman! I feel I understand her much better as I get older, but it would be very helpful to ask her for her advice and insight about…life in general.

» IF you had $10 million you had to donate, who would you choose and why?

Educational institutions in developing countries. The health and wealth of a society relies on the level of education it has.

» IF you were another species in the animal kingdom, what would you be?

Unicorn: magical, unique, and never seen.

» IF you were to have a produce tattoo, what would you have?

I love all the red fruits! I would say a cherry, just because it is THE fancy fruit!

» IF you had to choose now, what would your last meal consist of?

Pozole, for sure!

» IF you could have dinner with anyone, dead or alive, who would it be?

Princess Diana. I greatly admire her for her remarkable bravery and grace, particularly considering her age and the era in which she lived. Her ability to navigate challenging situations with elegance is truly inspiring.

» IF you had a superpower, what would you want it to be?

Teletransportation. I could save so much time!

» IF you could imagine yourself in a different industry, what would it be?

Working for an NGO or an embassy in Europe.

» IF you could wake up anywhere in the world tomorrow, where would you be?

With my family, anywhere! Yet, Hawaii or Norway (in summer) are still on my bucket list. The Snack Endstop