Easter just got sweeter!

WTF Do I Do With
LIV Organic™ Citrus ?!

‐ Organic summer citrus cocktail ‐

1½ large LIV Organic Grapefruit

1½ medium LIV Organic Oranges

1 medium LIV Organic Lemon, plus extra for garnish

1½ oz vodka or gin

1 tsp organic ginger root, finely grated

Organic rosemary



Prep Time: 5 mins

Servings: 1

1 Juice the LIV Organic Grapefruit, Oranges, and Lemon. Combine and set aside. Save leftover halves of grapefruit and orange and slice with lemon for garnish.

2 Peel and grate organic ginger root and add to juice mixture.

3 Place ice into cocktail shaker. Add vodka and juice mixture. Shake until throughly chilled (about 30 seconds). Strain into mason jar and garnish with a slice of grapefruit, lemon, and a sprig of organic rosemary. Serve and enjoy!

To learn more about  LIV Organic, visit www.livorganicproduce.com