Easter just got sweeter!

Retail Runway: Fall Line

Ready Pac Foods’ Fresh Prep’d™ Soup Kits and Fresh Prep’d Wrap Kits are making quite a first splash into the fresh meal category. The new brand launched in September and is on board with all things trendy from convenience, to flavor, to fresh. The Starbucks-chic, on-the-go package for consumers, is sure to brighten up your department, and admit it, you want to take some home, too.

Followers of the Retail Runway have likely noticed that small products are making big statements. So, if you haven’t heard about the latest little item to roll out of Mission Avocados, strap in. The company’s new ‘Minis’ avocado bags are not specifically geared to entice children like many of the small produce products, but present a wider brand encompassing any consumer. Having long supplied the foodservice industry with tiny avocados, the latest trend to munch on this famed fruit has inspired the company to provide a bulk option for retail. Simple yet elegant, I don’t doubt avocado lovers will eat it up.

It’s National Apple Month, and this new variety on the scene has been living up to its name since its introduction earlier this year. This rookie’s look is all the wrapping it needs–with a resemblance to its popular Honeycrisp parent and winning attributes from an unreleased variety called MonArk. The mystery parent gives the fruit an extra kick to set it apart for Honeycrisp fans looking for something more, allowing Rave to live up to its name and become the “social apple” Stemilt Growers intends with this newest brand.

Not to offend William Shakespeare, but there is a lot in a name these days. Especially when it comes to branding. This jazzy play on words from Atlas Produce’s latest brand launch says it all for consumers that are on the move, looking for something fresh, and are conscious of what is going into their bodies. It would take a lot for me to forfeit my morning coffee, but this new name in the produce game certainly made me consider it. So might many shoppers that like bright colors as much as I do.

Popular for everything from meats, to cheese, to chilis, these sought-after peppers made a quick but impactful appearance this fall as consumers looked to warm themselves up during the season. To help retailers harness the Hatch power while they could, Frieda’s launched a 2 lb pouch that not only showcases the product, but reduces shrink and boosts sell-through at the register. This is an offering that gives both fashion and function.