Easter just got sweeter!

WTF Do I Do With
Buddy’s Blood Oranges ?!

‐ Fresh Blood Orange Sorbet ‐

2 cups Buddy’s Blood Orange juice, freshly squeezed (approximately 8–10 blood oranges)

Zest of 2 Buddy’s Blood Oranges

1 cup granulated sugar

1 tbsp lemon juice

3 tbsp Cointreau (can substitute water)


Prep Time: 15 min

Cook Time: 5–10 min

Chill Time: 2 hrs

Servings: 12 (½ cup servings)

1 Combine Blood orange juice and sugar in a small saucepan, warming over medium heat. Stir until sugar has just been dissolved. Do not boil.

2 Remove from heat and add lemon juice, orange zest, and Cointreau.

3 Chill mixture two hours or until cold. Pour into an ice cream maker and process according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

4 Store sorbet in an airtight container in the freezer for 2 hours to harden. Serve and enjoy!

To learn more about Trinity Fruit Company, visit www.trinityfruit.com