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WTF Do I Do With
artichokes ?!

‐ Stuffed Artichokes with Bacon Mac n' Cheese ‐

 4 ea large Ocean Mist Farms artichokes, cooked

 1 ea Kraft Mac n’ Cheese (requires  4 tbsp butter and 1/4 cup milk)

 4 oz smoked gouda cheese, grated

 6 oz smoked bacon, diced and cooked

 1/2  cups heavy cream

 1 bunch Ocean Mist green onions, chopped

 1 oz italian breadcrumbs (optional) 


Yields: 4 stuffed artichokes

1  Prepare and cook 4 fresh Ocean Mist artichokes. (See: www.oceanmist.com/artichokes/prepare-artichoke )

2 Remove the stem Ч-inch from the base of the artichoke. Remove the center and ‘fuzzy’ choke.

3  Make the mac & cheese following the packaging’s instructions. Add in bacon and gouda cheese.

 Heat and stir in cream Ч cup at a time until a creamy consistency is reached (only 1 or 2 mins). Do not overcook.

5  Add green onions, then generously spoon the mixture into the center and between the leaves of the artichokes.

6  Sprinkle with italian breadcrumbs (optional) .

7  Place all 4 artichokes into an ovenproof dish and cook at 350℉ for 20 minutes.

For more delicious, healthy, & easy-to-prepare recipes visit www.oceanmist.com.