Ippolito International - Brussels Bites™Peruvian Onions

WTF Do I Do With
Bobalu Strawberries ?!

‐ Boozy Strawberry Popsicles® ‐

Several sliced fresh Bobalu Strawberries

Your favorite Champagne or prosecco

Silicone Popsicle® mold


Strawberry Simple Syrup

1 lb fresh or frozen Bobalu Strawberries

2 cups water

1 cup sugar


Prep Time: 10 min

Cook Time: 15 min

Freeze Time: 8 hrs

Servings: 5

1 Place whole berries, water, and sugar into saucepan and simmer on low for 10–15 minutes until fully combined to make simple syrup.

2 Cool mixture completely in the saucepan. Once cooled, strain berries and keep clear syrup in the fridge.

3 Place sliced berries into the bottom of each Popsicle mold.

4 Fill mold halfway up with Champagne.

5 Fill the remaining half with simple syrup.

6 Add more sliced berries on top if there is room.

7 Freeze for about 8 hours, or until solid.

8 To serve, remove from mold and place each Popsicle into a wine glass partially filled with Champagne or drink of choice. Enjoy!

Note: For a non-alcoholic version, combine 1 cup plain yogurt with 1 cup orange juice instead of Champagne.

To learn more about Bobalu, visit www.bobaluberries.com