Easter just got sweeter!

Libations for All Occasions: Easy Being Green Gin Cocktail

Looking for a perfectly-refreshing cocktail to accompany temperate spring evenings? The Easy Being Green Gin Cocktail is a welcome addition as we transition from winter weather to the season’s warmer days and balmier nights.  

This herbaceous cocktail, with a pleasant tartness and cool green color, is loaded with crisp flavors and fresh ingredients. And with more fresh fruit and vegetable suppliers offering consumers and retailers alike a one-stop shop for all their year-round produce needs, Easy Being Green can become a staple for months to come.

A sweet-and-sour drink with delicate botanical notes, Easy Being Green combines the grassy nip and subtle bittersweetness of cucumber, the bright tanginess of Granny Smith apples, and the pleasant acidity and effervescence of freshly-squeezed lemonade.

Counterbalanced by the piquant piney notes and subtle spice and floral overtones of gin, the cocktail conjures memories of spring rains, undulating green hills, cool grass, and exhilarating starlight.

And while the drink’s madcap Muppet-themed name might not inspire confidence in the connoisseur, a sip of the stuff should be enough to assure you that Easy Being Green is a serious spring cocktail. Besides, as Emily Dickinson once noted, “A little Madness in the Spring / Is wholesome even for the King.”




1 Granny Smith apple, core removed

1/3 English cucumber

1.5 oz gin

1/2 oz simple syrup

1 Meyer lemon

1 sprig of mint 



1Juice apple and cucumber into a Collins glass or tumbler

2Add gin, ice, simple syrup and a squeeze of Meyer lemon, and garnish with mint.