Easter just got sweeter!

WTF Do I Do With
Bee Sweet Citrus Lemons ?!

‐ Lemon Skillet Pasta ‐

½ tsp salt

1 lb fresh broccoli

1 lb pasta

3-4 cups fresh spinach

4 tsp of butter

1 large Bee Sweet Citrus lemon (zested and juiced)

1 tsp minced garlic

½ tsp crushed red pepper

1 cup Parmesan cheese

Salt and pepper, to taste 

Olive oil, to taste


Servings: 4-5


1Bring water and salt to a boil.

2Prep broccoli and spinach by washing and cutting them into desired sizes. 

3Add pasta into boiling water, let cook. 

4Add broccoli in boiling water 4-5 minutes before pasta is fully cooked. 

5Once pasta and broccoli are cooked, drain water, return items to pot, and add in spinach.

6Add Bee Sweet Citrus lemon zest to pot, and allow everything to sit (spinach should be wilting at this time). 

7In a small skillet, sauté butter, minced galic, and crushed pepper for 3-4 minutes. 

8Add freshly squeezed lemon juice into skillet and pour everything onto the pasta.

9Stir in Parmesan cheese and a dash of olive oil. Season with salt and pepper. 



 For more delicious, healthy, & easy-to-prepare recipes visit www.beesweetcitrus.com