Easter just got sweeter!

The If List

The EarthFresh team is a source of contagious light, and among this group of potato aficionados is industry ace Jessica Hughes. The more-than-talented Director’s unwavering passion for produce is only one integral piece of her cheerful personality, and it is our job at The Snack to dive into the “why” behind our industry’s most inspiring trailblazers. From fresh flowers to Mean Girls and beyond, our recent conversation with EarthFresh’s Director of Innovation took us on quite the journey…

IF you could have been born in another century or decade, which would it be and why?

The ’50s—the fashion was fun, the cars were cool, and the retro parties would have been wild.

IF you had to choose now, what would your last meal consist of?

Gluten! I have been gluten-free for 13 years now, and I’d love a veal parm sandwich on a soft bun, with a side of lasagna and a glass of red wine.

IF you could have any actor play you in a movie, who would you want?

Rachael McAdams. She’d have to blend her roles from Wedding Crashers, The Notebook, and Mean Girls, but she’d definitely get the job.

IF you could imagine yourself in a different industry, what would it be?

I always have said if I wasn’t involved in potatoes, I’d like to be a florist. I always find a way to escape to the floral area at trade shows!

IF you could have dinner with anyone, dead or alive, who would it be?

I would have dinner with my Babbi (grandmother) who passed away when I was 14 years old. I’d love to chat with her about life and get a quick cooking class.

IF you were another species in the animal kingdom, what would you be?

A shark. The queen of the ocean!

IF you wrote an autobiography, what would be the title?

Hot Potato!

IF you could make everyone watch a movie of your choosing, which movie would you want them to see?

Home Alone. In our house, we recite the entire film by heart.

IF you could join a musician, dead or alive, on stage to sing along or play an instrument with, who would you choose and why?

John Mayer. I know the lyrics to all of his songs and I have seen him every time he’s come to Toronto (except for the night my son was born).

IF you could give your younger self one piece of advice, what would it be?

Slow down, buckle up, and enjoy the ride!The Snack Endstop