Ippolito International - Brussels Bites™Peruvian Onions

WTF Do I Do With
Poco Bites™ Cocktail Cucumbers ?!


1 10 oz. bag of Poco Bites™ cocktail cucumbers, chopped

1 cup simple syrup

2 limes, quartered

1 tsp finely grated, peeled ginger

2 sprigs of fresh mint leaves, finely chopped

Yields: 4-5 oz. of Mixture

1 Purée Poco Bites™ cocktail cucumber slices with chopped mint leaves, simple syrup, and ginger.

2 Squeeze juice from lime quarters into cucumber purée. 

3 Add 1 teaspoon of lime zest.

4 Purée mixture again and strain through fine-mesh sieve.

5 Divide mixture among popsicle molds, insert sticks, and freeze until completely solid (about 4–6 hours).

For more delicious, healthy, & easy to prepare recipes visit www.pure-flavor.com.