Easter just got sweeter!

My Favorite Things

Naba Bakar, Vice President of Marketing, GoldenSun Insights

Maryland is known for many things: seafood, Old Bay® Seasoning, and the savvy marketer herself Naba Bakar. GoldenSun Insights’ Vice President of Marketing is well-known for her keen eye, sharp wit, and spicing up the fresh produce marketing space. However, what seasonings go into her mélange of life? Check them out below.

  • Baltimore Ravens
  • Fresh Garden Herbs
  • Coffee
  • Summer Lake Days
  • Dirty Martini With Blue Cheese-Stuffed Olives
  • Running
  • Maryland Crab Cakes
  • Old Bay® Seasoning
  • Art Galleries

"I love Sunday football and rooting for my hometown team!"
"Cooking meals for my family with fresh-cut herbs is a summertime favorite."
"Need a little jolt every morning to get me going!"
"Spending summer weekends with my husband and son on our pontoon is always fun."
"It’s like a drink and a meal at the same time."
"Helps me unwind and clear my head."
"Nothing beats an authentic MD crab cake!"
"I put it on everything; it’s a Maryland thing."
"I try to imagine what the artist was thinking about as they were creating their artwork."