Ippolito International - Brussels Bites™Peruvian Onions

My Favorite Things

Michelle Deleissegues, Director of Marketing, GEM-Pack Berries

Ours is an industry of priorities. Much like proverbial ducks, they will do anything but stay in their intended row. Amid the chaos, Michelle Deleissegues has always been at the head of the flock. Clear, organized, and ready to keep all the ducks in line, what are some of the favorite things that keep this leading lady on course? Find out below!

  • Wildflowers
  • Farmers Markets
  • Travel
  • Family Adventures
  • Campfires and Cocktails
  • Gardening
  • My Fur Girls
  • Learning
  • Baking with Berries

"Beautiful, strong, and grow where they land."
"A great way to kick off the weekend. A couple friends and I have a beach workout then head to the market; California has flowers and abundant produce year-round."
"At 19, I spent a summer traveling Europe with a close Swedish friend. Once that travel bug bites, you have to keep wandering."
"My kids and I love getting outside and exploring: hiking, paddleboarding, fly-fishing, and traveling."
"What’s better than hanging out with friends on warm, starry nights?"
"My dad and I planted a veggie garden when I was about eight. I’ve been hooked ever since."
"My dogs keep me smiling, although they do present some work-from-home interruptions and challenges!"
"As the sixth of seven kids, I was taught to be self-sufficient. Now, I thrive with new projects and challenges."
"Berries make every dish beautiful, delicious, and more nutritious. As the family baker, I can add more flavor with less guilt!"