VOL. 61 | Pattern of Progress

Articles in This Issue
Wrangling Lightning
Bobby and RC Jones cast a line back over this storied history as they give us an inside look at how the grower managed to wrangle lightning...
California Table Grape Snapshot
The sun shines brightly over California’s seemingly endless miles of table grape vineyards. A drive across the San Joaquin Valley sends me searching for the little globes, and I can’t help but...
Mushroom Snapshot
Whether sautéed, grilled, stir-fried, or stuffed, there’s a myriad of ways to enjoy these flavorful, satisfying, and versatile flavor bombs. From the quintessential Button to the wild Lion’s Mane,...
Writing the Next Chapter
CEO Cynthia Haskins weaves the legend of this legacy produce category, discussing how to ensure revenue thrives long into the future...
Investing in Home
Giving us a breakdown of critical investments in both its land and its people, Scott Mabs explains what guides the company vision today...
A Closer Look at Bako Sweet® Organic Sweet Potato Tray
<p><strong class="special-font-dropcap">S</strong>triking packaging is only half the battle when it comes to driving a consumer to purchase. Not only should it be eye...
A Closer Look at Sambrailo Packaging Closed Dry Pint
<p><strong class="special-font-dropcap">W</strong>hen architect Louis H. Sullivan coined the phrase “form ever follows function,” he might not have had produce in mind....
Strength in Numbers
SVP and COO Alex Teague showcases the diverse network that helped evolve the purveyor into a multi-national, year-round operation...
Built From Strong Stalk
Stacey Claassen explains how the supplier keeps the current market and future plans top of mind as scalability and quality take center stage...
My Favorite Things: Corrie Hutchens, Co-Founder, Girl Crush Brands, and President, Brandbeat Consulting
This marketing luminary combines the skill and experience needed to put fresh produce in the spotlight. Find out what fuels her drive...
Welcome to the Kitchen
We pull up a seat with EVP Greg Sagan to discuss the grower's recently debuted value-added line and the new channel of demand it is creating...
By the Flight of a Butterfly
The grower raises the stakes in greenhouse through upcoming expansions, state-of-the-art innovations, and a new logo to boot…
Evolution Through Innovation
Marc Hatfield details the service provider's expansion as it brings exclusive opportunities to fresh operators across the supply chain...