Ippolito International - Brussels Bites™Peruvian Onions

My Favorite Things

Jessica Press, National Sales/Business Development, Lipman Family Farms

If adventure is out there, Jessica Press will find it. After getting to know the intrepid leader, she has become my poster child for a life of excitement and happiness. In other words, she has an outlook I believe we should all strive for. So, come with us as we dive into some of the beautiful things that make every one of Jessica’s days more memorable than the last...

  • Family and Friends
  • Working Out
  • Ivy
  • Adventure
  • Music
  • Traditions
  • Style
  • Working in Produce
  • Laughing

"I cherish them because they make life special."
"I don’t always love it in the moment, but I always feel better afterward."
"Our pup. She is always so happy and brings us constant joy."
"As my husband and I like to say, 'Yay! Adventure!' We love exploring new places."
"'If music be the food of love, play on.' - William Shakespeare"
"Seeing them passed down from generation to generation is very special."
"It’s a fun way to express myself."
"It’s more than just a job; I love the people I work with daily."
"No explanation needed. Who doesn’t love to laugh?"