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Joe Produce: Hunting for Talent

It's not always easy to find great talent for your company. First, you have to find them. Then there's the endless screenings, interviews, and lastly, the negotiations. Why not utilize a professional, efficient, and proven solution? A professional, efficent, and proven solution? A professional search agency, AKA recruiters (or so-called head hunters), can save you time, money, and headaches.

When you use a search agency, you partner with a company that has professionals who know the industry, and who spend the time to understand your needs, criteria, culture, and ultimately what constitutes a great candidate-fit for your business.

Here’s how a search agency can help you recruit top talent...  


1. Save you time and money. 


As the saying goes, “time is money.” Finding the perfect candidate can be costly, and when your senior management team is spending countless hours and energy searching for top tier talent, you’re utilizing valuable resources that could be better used elsewhere. 


2. Find hard-to-find, prime candidates. 


Not every star candidate is actively looking for a new job. That’s why the top professional athletes have agents. Search agencies target, source, and directly recruit “passive candidates” who have the knowledge, skills, and experience that you’re looking for. Think of it as ordering something on Amazon. You order the professional you want, and the search agency delivers them to you. Well, it’s not quite that easy, but close! 


3. Dig deeper for talent. 


A strong recruiter knows how and where to find the best talent. Professional produce recruiters have years of experience developing a deep network of industry specialists. They present the perfect opportunities for the best candidates who specifically fit your needs and culture. They know who is seeking a job or thinking about a move. Recruiters have a sixth sense for knowing which professionals, despite being content in their current position, would have a better career opportunity elsewhere. 


​4. It’s a process and a team effort. 


Finding great candidates is just the start. Oftentimes they need to be informed and encouraged about your opportunity. After that, there is the ongoing process of interviews, references, scheduling your interviews, and ultimately working out the details of the offer and its acceptance. The best scenarios include a cooperative client-employer who is working in harmony with the search consultants. “Help me, help you” is one of my favorite lines from Tom Cruise in Jerry McGuire. Work with your recruiter, and secure your best candidates! 


5. “No deposit, no return.”

Remember that phrase on the side of Pepsi™ bottles? It still applies to many things in life. In other words, expect to get out what you put in. This holds true with securing exceptional talent. Find the right search agency and invest a little time into educating them on your company, culture, selling points, and of course, your candidate criteria. Then, partner with them throughout the process. 

Invest in your new team member by making them feel welcomed, informed, and connected. 



This starts before they actually start their new job. Once they have accepted your offer, you need to maintain contact and stay connected with them. Anything you and your staff can do from this point forward to make them feel welcomed will go a long way with them and their family in this major life change. Don’t laugh...it’s a big deal for most people! 


Contributing Author

Founder and President, Joe Produce Search℠. Joe Produce Search (JPS) is the Executive Search division of Joe Produce®. Joe Produce Search is comprised of experienced search consultants and produce professionals. Our placements range from middle management to C-level positions, throughout North America, covering a wide range of produce and produce-related businesses. Joe Pro Resumes is another service of Joe Produce®. Joe Pro Resumes helps you write and refine your resume to help you find the produce industry position of your dreams. We have written hundreds of resumes for many professionals in the produce business in addition to various related sectors.