Easter just got sweeter!

A Closer Look at Southern Valley Summer Squash

When you’re in the South, nothing screams summertime like the sunshiney hue of yellow squash! Making it even easier to share in this warm-weather culinary delight is Southern Valley’s Grab & Go Summer Squash Pouch Bag.

What better accompaniment to the slow-moving, lazy vibes of summer than a package you can pluck straight from the shelf and tote right into your kitchen with barely any exertion? The grab-and-go trend is practically made for summer, and the look and feel of Southern Valley’s Grab & Go Summer Squash Pouch Bag exudes a sensibility that gives the consumer a feeling of quality, safety, freshness, and overall convenience. 

With a simple, clean look that highlights the bright color of the squash in a see-through window on the front, alongside a mouthwatering graphic of the product as a prepared recipe, the Summer Squash Pouch Bag shines brightly on the shelf. And, with availability in 2 lb, 20 oz, 24 oz, and even a variety of custom pack sizes based on weight or count, retailers can satisfy the wants and needs of any consumer’s greatest flavorsome aspirations. 

An added bonus? Southern Valley’s extended shelf-life packaging allows all its Grab & Go products to last up to four times the length of conventional bulk boxes, while still coming out virtually oxidation-free and tasting freshly-plucked. What a treat for the squash-loving summer self in us all.