Peruvian Onions

Up Close with Duda Farm Fresh Foods Celery Campaign

Just in time for the first pitch of America’s favorite sport, Duda Farm Fresh Foods’ campaign An All-American Snack is back by popular demand. Featured front-and-center is Duda’s naturally-sweet, Dandy® celery. Available in four consumer-friendly package sizes—including convenient snack packs of 1.6 oz celery stick bundles, 8 oz small celery sticks, as well as the 1 lb and 1.25 lbs long celery sticks—Duda’s Dandy celery is a home run for sports fans and foodies alike.

Dandy celery comes washed and ready-to-eat, helping those at home skip the prep and get straight to grubbing, making it perfect for bringing to the ball park, enjoying couch-side, or packing for on-the-go munching.

The An All-American Snack campaign features classic baseball graphics on top-selling, fresh-cut Dandy celery throughout the April to October ball season. Launched in an effort to engage with local communities nationwide, this campaign looks to rally regional support for the great game. Showcasing the health benefits of eating fresh fruits and vegetables, Duda also hopes to increase families’ awareness of the origins of their fresh produce.

Delicious and nutritious, Duda Farm Fresh Foods’ celery sticks will have major celery players sending in pinch hitters so they can keep snacking, and everyone singing “Take Me Out to the Ball Game” with refreshed gusto.