Hello, 2017! I remember my mother telling me how fast time will fly when I get old, and well, here we are. If you’re anything like me you’ve been working for the past six weeks or so, in addition to all your regular responsibilities, to button down the hatches on 2016 and get things prepared for this year.
With the new year underway, and to help you move from that “prep mode” for 2017 to execution, we’ve prepared a couple checklists, from the perspective of an Executive Search Agency aka recruiter. Since there are two sides to “our equation,” we thought that we would address them both - Employer and Candidate.
No—Don’t hit them, review your team’s Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. Where does your team need developmental help and/or direction? Where do you need to make more serious changes? Where are the opportunities to add or improve? What threats exist that could result in you losing top performers.
Does your bonus and/or commission structure appropriately reward performance? Are you in line with the industry, your area, and category?
Are your people cross-trained? Can everyone take a REAL vacation or get sick or quit and the company won’t miss a beat?
Encourage your people to take vacations and plan them early. Vacations are great “stress tests” on the organization’s ability to operate without people. And they’re a great excuse to cross train. Use them!
Sit down with HR and make sure that your T’s are crossed and i’s are dotted. It’s a litigious world out there!
It’s a whole new year! A great time to review your mission and values, and discuss them with your team. Cultures are greatly directed by a company’s mission and values. Now is a great time to recalibrate and invigorate!
I’m not fond of “resolutions,” but I like commitments. Great people are not easy to find or hire. It’s easier to keep them and help them improve. Commit to helping your team succeed and be happy. Happy people stick around longer and do better work.
If you’re not employed and going to be moving on soon, make sure that you’re prepared. Get that resume in order. Have your list of references ready, and make sure that everyone on that list knows that they could receive a call at some point.
Treat those around you well and do what you can to help them. Those with the strongest networks seem to always land on their feet first.
Eat right…perhaps eating some of this stuff we sell. Drink water, get sleep and exercise. If you’re employed you’ll be happier, more productive and better equipped to handle stress.
For those employed, the grass is not always greener. If you’ve had three jobs or more in ten years, then you may be the common denominator. Either you choose employers poorly and/or you have another flaw that prevents you from sticking around. Build your resume and show that you’re stable and consistent. It may be just your perspective that needs to change. For those currently unemployed people, firstly, read #1 through #4 above. If you’re looking for a job, stay positive and be patient. I realize that it’s easier said than done. I have bills too! If it’s possible for you, be choosy, and don’t take a job offer for a company that you don’t see yourself staying in for five years or more.
Recruiters are great people to know. You never know when you’ll need us or a friend will need us. We do what we can to help our clients and our network of industry friends.
For those employed or not, this is key. I mentioned, companies’ “missions and values” in the first section. Have a clear and distinct view of your own “mission and values” can be very helpful in gaining perspective on your personal and professional life. Your mission is your “why,” and your values provide you a “compass” of sorts. If you have a goal, a desired destination, it’s so much easier getting there with a destination, reason, and a compass. On a professional level, it becomes easier to follow your employer’s direction or decide that its just not the right fit. And if you’re looking for a job, it’s easier to evaluate opportunities as they compare to your mission, values and goals. I wish that I would have figured this one out 20 years ago.
So here we are, 2017! Carpe Diem! I hope to see you at one of the industry events soon.