Vol. 11 | Allen Lund's Rise to the Top

Articles in This Issue
Up Close: Cabernet Estate Reserve
Meet the Cabernet Estate Reserve™. Village Farms has introduced a unique cherry tomato called Cabernet Estate Reserve™. With its beautiful deep wine coloration, the bite is characteristic of crisp...
Up Close with Stemilt's Skylar Rae Cherries
Meet Skylar Rae® brand cherries. The Tip Top cherry cultivar, which goes to market as Skylar Rae®, was discovered by the Toftness family on their high-elevation orchards in Wenatchee, WA, back in...
Sinaloa Encanta
Showcasing the diverse cultural landscape of Northwestern Mexico, Sinaloa Encanta brings a blend of culinary abundance, regional music, and cultural heritage to the Sinaloan region of Mexico. This...
Allen Lund's Ride to the Top
It all started with $1,000 in his pocket, the dream to make a better life, and six children at the home office answering the phone “Allen Lund Company.” Thirty-nine years later, Allen has grown...
Safeway-Albertsons Decentralization >> Who Is Affected?
If there’s one word I keep hearing about the Safeway-Albertson’s merger, it’s got to be “opportunity.” The multi-billion dollar deal between the two retail giants has been fraught with uncertainty...
5 Simple Steps to Optimize Your Company's Website
“If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it.”...
Andy D'Arrigo, The Original Andy Boy
"If you have a weak stomach, go someplace else.” That’s how Andy D’Arrigo sees the industry. At first it may seem blunt and unsympathetic, but as he is a man who has seen his fair share of...
Make Dust, Don't Eat It, A Prime Time International Exclusive
“We were looking for a niche, and I think we found it,” Carl Sam Maggio of Prime Time International tells me from his desk in Coachella, California. “When we started the business we looked for an...