With nearly 54,000 acres of this delicious fruit in sunny California alone, the green gold holds its own as a category defender. The avocado is loved by all and proves its versatility, from the famed avocado toast to cocktails and desserts. What makes California avocados so unique that they leave consumers coming back for more? Find out here...

“Avocado” is a derivative of the Spanish word “Aguacate,” which in turn comes from the word “Ahuacatl” in Nahuatl, a language spoken by people such as the Aztecs.

- The California Avocado YouTube channel has garnered nearly 2 million views

- California avocados are grown by more than 3,500 growers in the Golden State
- The Hass avocado variety is a California native. The seed of what would become the Mother Hass tree was planted by Rudolph Hass in 1926 in La Habra Heights, California

- This season’s California avocado crop is estimated to be 369 million pounds
- June is California Avocado Month—this is the 9th year for this California Avocado Commission program
- If given a choice, 67 percent of avocado shoppers in the West would prefer California avocados*
- In California, shoppers buy avocados more often during California avocado season (up from 4.26 purchase occasions
- to 4.87)**

- When avocados are in a shopper’s grocery basket, the overall basket ring increases nearly 113 percent (from an average $31.85 to $67.80)**
- When surveyed in 2018, seven out of 10 restaurant patrons (70.5 percent) expect avocado on menu items with California in the name***

- California avocados are grown on approximately 54,000 acres throughout Central and Southern California
*2019 California Avocado Tracking Study
**2020 California Avocado Commission Market
Basket/Affinity Study, IRI Consumer Network™
***2018 Menu Matters Study
Source | California Avocado Commission