Easter just got sweeter!

California Table Grapes Snapshot

California Table Grapes Snapshot

Grapes are storied and singular, conjuring up vivid images from the way they grow to the flavor they promise. Shining, influential, and iconic, this is a category we eat up literally and figuratively. But, knowledge is power, especially when it comes to selling, and there is much yet to discover about the ever evolving grape category. So, what should we know about this fruit we think we have all the facts on? Explore just that with the California Table Grape Commission in the following pages…

Coachella Valley: The California table grape season begins in late spring when the first grapes are harvested in the Coachella Valley

San Joaquin Valley: In late June to early July, the California grape harvest starts in the San Joaquin Valley

80+ Varieties

73% prefer California grapes even when priced higher

92% of primary shoppers1 prefer California grapes when priced the same as imports

- Research indicates that consuming grapes as part of a healthy diet and lifestyle contributes to heart health. Grapes also contribute to immune, brain, colon, eye, and skin health

1 Primary shipper ages 25-73 who have purchased fresh grapes within past three months

Source | California Table Grape Commission