Peruvian Onions

California Grape Snapshot

California Grape Snapshot

Consumers anxiously await the approach of the California table grape season as there is nothing quite like its annual return in the fresh produce department. A brimming destination of research and development, innovation, and flavor, the California table grape category holds court, captures sales, and drives the bar up across all things fresh. With the premium sector top of mind, the California Table Grape Commission joins us to share the information that is driving retailers to tap the segment with the hunger that it deserves...

92% of Primary Shoppers Prefer California when price the same as imports (Primary shoppers ages 25-73 who have purchased fresh grapes within the past three months) while 73% prefer california even when priced higher.

350+ table grape operations growing 80 varieties.

Percent of primary shoppers who report fresh grapes are a staple in their household.

Percent of primary shoppers who always or usually decide to purchase fresh grapes before going to the store.

49% have made changes to their food choices due to the COVID-19 pandemic to support a healthy immune system.

36% of primary shoppers have purchased fresh grapes via online ordering. Of those who have ever purchased fresh grapes via online ordering, 70% are very likely to continue to purchase fresh grapes via online ordering in the next 12 months. Of those who have ever purchased fresh grapes via online odering, 58% use an app for a specific retailer and 52% use an app that services multiple retailers.