Ippolito International - Brussels Bites™Peruvian Onions

April MVP Highlights

April MVP Highlights

Success in sales and marketing takes on a mastery at some level in the game, an experience aimed for by many but achieved by few. This industry leader is one of the select bunch who not only thrives in his produce career but sees produce as life. Here, in his own words, Dan Canales shares some of the insight and knowledge that has skyrocketed his journey, and, metaphorically, made his career cosmic…

Dan Canales

Senior Vice President of Sales, Marketing, and Processing, Ippolito International

Time at ippolito international: 6 Years


What Your Role Is Really Like…

“When it comes to what I do today, it feels like I’m strapped to a rocket ship with one heck of a ‘ground control’ to make sure we have a successful mission every day. We all work in unison, and I’m only as good as those I’m surrounded by. I’ve been fortunate to have a good team to lead, but none of this would be possible without our other department managers and certainly the support and vision of the Owners, Ron Mondo and Joel Ippolito.”

Surprise Us

“One thing I love to do outside of my passion for produce is repurposing old wood—making something as simple as a potting bench or small tables. I’m no craftsman by any means, but taking something that has been discarded and making something new out of it provides a great mental getaway and certain satisfaction for me.”

How Sales Becomes A Life Lesson

“Sales has taught me how you need to be adaptable. Part of that is being able to handle the many different facets of what my job entails and also to control my emotions when things get real dicey. This is not just a great way to go about work, but life as well.”

A Mentor Mentored: Those Who Have Shaped Dan

“I have been so lucky to have had amazing people in my life to guide my path. Here are just a handful.

Steve Griffin -

An ex-Produce Manager at Alpha Beta over 35 years ago, Steve taught me so much—not just in produce, but in leadership and follow-through.

Stephen Griffin -

The former President of Misionero was a true leader and mentor in every sense of the word. You never wanted to let him down because of how well he treated and respected you and each person in the company. He got back what he put into each relationship in spades.

Joe Sandoval -

My uncle and member of the Maggio Company Joe put me to work in the carrot fields and sheds when I was 11 years old. He taught me how to work hard and be accountable for my decisions.

Mark Shaw -

This Markon vet has a level of integrity that is hard to match. Although we have had some spirited discussions over the years as ‘buyer and seller,’ he always challenged me to be better as he wasn’t giving up those POs easily!

There have been many more teachers in my life that also taught me what not to do or who to be, and I have to thank them as well.”

Words of Wisdom for the Next Generation

“Never lose the personal connection in this business. Without that, it’s all just POs and sales orders.”