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Strawberry Snapshot

Strawberry Snapshot

Red, juicy, and oh, so delicious, the strawberry holds great power year-round. As the fruit is versatile in both savory and sweet applications, its influence holds no bounds on social media or in recipes. Trends show the red fruit used in every way possible, and these statistics are just a springboard to meeting your sales goal...

- Strawberry farms produce the 4th most valuable crop in California

- About 50% of the California strawberry crop is harvested after July 1

- Strawberry farms use less than 1% of California’s farmland

- California grows more organic strawberries than all other 49 states combined

Strawberries grow along the California coast on about 35,000 acres. During peak season, strawberries are harvested in the state’s Salinas, Watsonville, Santa Maria, Oxnard, and Orange County regions

During the cooler months, strawberries continue to be harvested in Santa Maria and Oxnard, making California strawberries available year-round

Purchase intent for strawberries is at an all-time high, with 9 out of 10 consumers indicating they definitely/probably would buy fresh strawberries

Fresh strawberries build bigger market baskets; basket value doubles with strawberries

Source: California Strawberry Commission data as of March 2022 and Fusion / IRI 52-Weeks Ending October 3, 2021