Easter just got sweeter!

A Premium Gift

A Premium Gift

You bite into a perfect tomato and get a burst of flavor unmatched by any other fruit—a culmination of tastes that challenge and delight the palate. It’s an experience I imagine people look forward to no matter which country they live in. That sensation I’m talking about is called umami (essence of deliciousness), the elusive fifth taste.

Umami comprises salty, sour, sweet, and bitter flavor notes and was discovered as the new fifth flavor on the tongue to give a dish or product a rounded taste. Although only recently recognized in the science world, the word has been in the Japanese lexicon since 1908, deriving from the term umai (delicious).

An innovative pioneer of this tasty phenomenon is Sakata Seed Corporation, a company with a long record of experts dedicated to perfecting the delicate balance of flavor and quality of food right from the source—the seed. I can feel this intent when speaking to Sakata’s Specialty Tomato Team as they lead me through the company’s rich history. While discussing the seed breeder’s past and present, I see their eyes are set on its bright future.

“Sakata Seed Corporation began in Yokohama, Japan, in 1913, when Mr. Takeo Sakata founded the company as Sakata Noen. In 1931, our specialty tomato program was introduced with the debut of our first tomato. By 1962, Sakata was well-known for tomatoes that were both flavor-centric and resistant to multiple diseases,” Bryan Zingel, Sakata Seed America’s Senior Product Manager for vegetables, tells me. “With a strong foothold in the market with traditional cherry tomatoes, we started breeding specialty grape shapes in the ’90s. Through our mission to provide exceptional taste, texture, and color, we now offer a large number of outstanding flavored tomatoes in a full color assortment.”

Sakata’s reputation in the North American market as a leader in tomato flavor began with the introduction of the red grape Sweet Hearts in the early 2000s. Since then, the company has continued to uphold its traditions of seeking out and delivering excellent flavored varieties.

“Tomatoes are considered one of the most popular crops in the world. When it comes to fresh flavor and taste, each prominent country has great candidates. In our opinion, one of the very best tomatoes hails from Japan.”

Iwamoto “Moto” Hiroyuki, International Sales Manager, Sakata Seed America

Since Professor Kikunae Ikeda coined the term umami in 1908, this flavor profile quickly became desired and recognized in the specialty tomato market. Former Sakata Seed Corporation President Mr. Hideo Takahashi understood this need, bringing critical knowledge and insight toward achieving the perfect tomato while catering to the Japanese palate.

“Our rich Japanese history makes us a leader in developing varieties where the signature umami flavor, texture, and color are at the forefront. This holistic approach makes for unique and outstanding products in the American market,” Iwamoto “Moto” Hiroyuki, International Sales Manager, shares. “Japanese consumers want beautifully prepared food and dishes with great attention to detail—aesthetically pleasing with exquisite qualities. Expectations of excellence are high because Japanese culture is oriented around taste and presentation. Mr. Takeo Sakata believed that to be the best way to impact consumers; he sought to provide that experience. Tomatoes are considered one of the most popular crops in the world. When it comes to fresh flavor and taste, each prominent country has great candidates. In our opinion, one of the very best tomatoes hails from Japan.”

In order to achieve this desired demand, the product must be premium. Plant breeding is a painstaking and lengthy process, to which one has to be passionately dedicated to their craft, appreciating the effort that goes in, and eager to please the end consumer—much like a chef. However, this daunting process is no foreign concept to Sakata’s teams.

“We marry our Japanese heritage with passion in our seed breeding programs to bring forth the flavor and aesthetics of a perfectly crafted dish. It sets us apart from the competition as we continue our tireless quest to create the absolute best components of a culinary masterpiece,” Tyler Hoopes, Greenhouse Specialist, chimes in. “The best qualities start with high technology equipments and genetics in order to get the best outcome. One significant component of that formula is high-tech growing environments. Protected culture helps us utilize and control various growing conditions and inputs to improve flavor, yield, and shelf-life in a radical way.”

Growers need to yield as much product as possible with the best flavor benchmark, so Sakata strives to provide the highest quality seeds that feature premier Japanese flavor to reach their targets. It’s a delicate balance; each variety still has to have the best taste, and protected culture makes it easier to achieve this standard.

“We marry our Japanese heritage with passion in our seed breeding programs to bring forth the flavor and aesthetics of a perfectly crafted dish. It sets us apart from the competition as we continue our tireless quest to create the absolute best components of a culinary masterpiece.”

Tyler Hoopes, Greenhouse Specialist, Sakata Seed America

As Sakata’s reputation continues to grow in North America, so does its portfolio. High-flavored cherry and grape tomatoes come in an array of colors, including Chocostar, Lemonstar, Fonzi’s Pinky, Crimson Star, and Rising Star. An early variety, known as Osama (king) tomato, is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year. This bountiful program continues to grow as the innovator recently announced a brand-new variety: Murastar.

“Murastar is a striking purple grape tomato that is elite in its class,” Tyler continues. “This is a really special product with a supercharged umami flavor. It is perfect for a medley program or can hold its own easily as a stand-alone item. Shoppers and diners always seek flavor and experience because that makes food more enjoyable, and we strive to provide that!”

Savoring the moment means relishing the present, and that is an umami-filled experience Sakata thrives in providing. It’s no wonder Sakata has become a well-known global entity. The innovative pioneer has a long history of experts dedicated to perfecting that delicate balance, both in its current offerings and new varieties yet to be discovered.

Relishing a premium first bite is an experience Sakata will continue to replicate, both presently and in the bright and colorful future to come. 

A Premium Gift