Easter just got sweeter!

July MVP: Jeff Church, Chief Operating Officer, Church Brothers Farms

July MVP: Jeff Church, Chief Operating Officer, Church Brothers Farms

Jeff Church has the power to leave an impression. Beyond this, though, I have often observed him making a connection. It is a priceless gift in sales, to be sure, yet I can’t help but feel it comes naturally to the produce legacy who shares his company’s name with deep pride. Learn how the teachings of work, life, family, and loyalty tie it all together for this sales maverick…

Jeff Church

Chief Operating Officer, Church Brothers Farms

Time at Church Brothers Farms: 25 years

What Your Role Is Really Like

“Is it bad to admit I sometimes feel like a headless chicken? Joking aside, at Church Brothers Farms every day is different: Sometimes I’m focused on long-term strategy and company goals, other times I’m making sure orders are fulfilled or flying across the country to meet with customers. Regardless of the day, though, as a family member, I’m always interacting with my brother, dad, uncle, and cousins to talk shop.”

How Sales Becomes A Life Lesson

“Being in sales has taught me perseverance. One day I might hear a lot of ‘no’s, but the next day some of those turn into a ‘yes.’ I’ve always had to just get back up and keep plugging away.”

Surprise Us

“I can juggle three bowling pins at a time, I’m good at solving a Rubik’s Cube, and have some decent card tricks up my sleeve.”

A Mentor Mentored:

Those Who Have Shaped Jeff

Paul McDonald, Former High School Baseball Coach - “He taught me some great lessons not just about the game, but about life. I spiked my hat once during a game, and he called me out for my inappropriate behavior. I deserved the dressing down, and never forgot his words about controlling my emotions and trying to stay level-headed even when I’m upset.”

Tim Church, Chief Medical Officer, Wondr Health - “My older brother was always good at everything: academics, social skills, and sports. I’ve always looked up to him and even followed him to study at UC Davis. He went on to become a physician—which, I’m obviously not—but he’s someone I continue to admire and aspire to.”

Words of Wisdom for the Next Generation

“This one’s short but sweet: Work hard. Show up. Don’t quit.”