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California Avocados Snackchat

California Avocados Snackchat

There are few threads between dishes bearing the California name as distinct and influential as the avocado. Seemingly synonymous with the Golden State, the green fruit appears in everything from the classic California Roll to the California Club Sandwich and beyond. This has created a strong association for consumers between the state and the category, and for a good reason: the West Coast region is known not only for movie stars but also for growing high-quality avocados. As the season gets into gear, find out how these experts say retailers can tap into this mental connection to boost basket share...

Gary Clevenger,

Managing Partner, Freska Produce International

“In the golden orchards of California and the vibrant fields of Mexico, avocados ripen under the same sun, embodying a shared heritage that yearns to be in the Super Bowl. Come Big Game time, avocados take center stage, transforming into the irresistible allure of guacamole—a green touchdown on every game-day table, uniting fans in the joy of good food and great company.”

Christina Ward,

Director of Marketing and Product Brands, Westfalia Fruit USA

“February is game time for Westfalia Fruit’s creamy and delicious avocados with multiple countries of origin in play, California-grown innovations, and key promotional events for avocados—Super Bowl, Valentine’s Day, Heart Month, and more. About 50 percent of shoppers across age groups say healthy eating is their top priority. The excellent news is that avocados are heart-healthy, according to the American Heart Association. This creates opportunities to educate shoppers on the health benefits of avocados, in-store and online. To meet shoppers where they want to buy, we recommend the best ripe stages for promotion, cross-merchandising, and consumer education. When retailers work with Westfalia Fruit, they can expect partners in avocado success. This is part of the ‘Westfalia Difference.’”

Diana McClean,

Director of Marketing and Communications, Mission Produce®

“Avocados are a staple in my household, so they’re always on my counter or in the fridge, depending on when I want them ripe and ready to eat! With all the delicious ways to incorporate the nutrient-packed superfood on the menu, avocados rightfully can take center stage in the produce department. I love it when my local grocery store offers a variety of sizes and ripe stages so that I can buy my avocados for toast, salads, or even brownies! And when avocados are cross-merchandised with complementary ingredients, such as tomatoes, onions, and cilantro, my shopping is that much easier. This season, I look forward to seeing our Mission Minis bags in stores and at check-out to drive incremental purchases.”

Joe Nava,

Vice President of Sales and Business Development, West Pak Avocado

“During the California season, retailers can support local growers with one of their most popular produce items. It’s the perfect time to create an avocado destination, placing bags with multiple fruit sizes near bulk so shoppers have a choice. Get creative with merchandising with exciting private-label California call-out bags, West Pak’s California Gold bag, or customize Lil’Cados or the jumbo Party Pak with Golden State fruit. The bags are bright, seasonably festive, and easy to grab and go—ideal for displaying in the produce aisle, highlighting in heavy traffic areas, or at the register for last-minute impulse buys.”

Patrick Lucy,

President, Del Rey Avocado

“The greatest thing about California avocados is their consistent quality and versatility. California avocados are consistently a star year in and year out and are so versatile that they can be used in so many different ways. Versatility gives retailers a great opportunity to cross-merchandise with other items from all over the store: center aisle, meat/seafood, and, of course, other produce. We truly feel California avocados will continue to be a star in the produce category in 2024.”

Terry Splane,

Vice President of Marketing, California Avocado Commission

“Our customers tell us they love California avocado season because the fruit is reliably consistent. Research studies confirm that avocado shoppers and avocado lovers are willing to pay more for locally grown and California origin. Many of our customers know the premium value of the California brand and call it out on displays and menus during the season, but not all, and there’s room to add value throughout the supply chain. So, my two recommendations to customers are to ask your packers to call out ‘California’ on the fruit, bags, and boxes in season and trumpet the origin on shelves, displays, and menus.”