We are in the midst of a huge demographic/personnel shift. Is your business prepared for the talent voids?
Did you know there are now four generations in the workforce? Here’s a quick snapshot:
Concurrently, massive changes are taking place in the world and industry in terms of the skills needed to ideate, manage, and drive our businesses. To name a few: AI, processor speeds, data collection and usage, genetics, global warming, political tensions, post-COVID attitudes, and more.
Still not convinced that you need to start acting on these changes? There’s more:
What about the Boomers? What is happening with that generational group?
They’re leaving the workforce in droves! An estimated 76,000 Boomers are leaving work every week in the United States. That’s nearly 11,000 per day or 4 million each year. The so-called “Peak Boomers,” born between 1959 and 1964, represent over 30 million workers who are expected to retire between now and 2029.
“We are in the early stages of the largest retirement-driven, workforce turnover in our nation’s history,” said Jason Fichtner, who commissioned the labor force analysis by RII study as Executive Director of the Alliance for Lifetime Income’s Retirement Income Institute (RII). “These retirements have already begun and will continue to have a significant impact on our economy.”
Here are some questions you should be asking yourself: What’s my plan for when the Baby Boomers retire en masse? Am I prepared for the talent exodus that’s already underway?
The exit of Baby Boomers in our industry could create a talent gap and brain drain. Their 30-plus years of industry knowledge will walk out the door with them. Think about how much tribal knowledge resides in the heads of our senior people. If too many of these knowledgeable folks leave to enjoy their golden years, we could have costly voids in critical roles.
The U.S. doesn’t have a sufficient number of people who are willing or desire to take on many management roles. Fewer Americans are participating in the job market. The labor force participation rate is only at about 62.5 percent as of January 2024. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics defines the participation rate as the percentage of the population working or actively looking for work.
“Kids nowadays are nothing like we were at that age!” We’ve all heard it, maybe even said it, but let’s be honest—it’s both right and wrong, just as it was when Boomers said it about Gen Xers 40 years ago.
Perhaps I should have titled this story “Wake Up Call!”
This workforce shift isn’t just a challenge—it’s an opportunity:
I know people who have 2–3-year strategies and plans with their employers. This includes mentoring their replacements and methodically letting go of the reins. I know one produce vet who loves working at his company and wants to work until he can’t. His goal is to stay and ease off over time and make less money accordingly while continuing to add value at every stage.
I’ll repeat it: START NOW!
The multi-generational workforce is here to stay, and with it comes a wealth of diversity, innovation, and resilience. Let’s embrace the future together—because the companies that thrive will be the ones that blend experience with fresh perspectives, creating a dynamic workplace for all.
The future belongs to the businesses that adapt, invest in their people, and prepare for tomorrow’s talent landscape today. Don’t wait until the gap becomes a chasm. Start taking action now and stay ahead of the curve.
Enjoy the Journey!
P.S. There are some super smart, eager, hard-working people in Gen X, Millennial, and Gen Z. And there are some awesome Boomers who still have tons of passion, energy, and desire to accompany their years of skills and experience. Never discount anyone for their age.